Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where for-art thou?

Welcome to ECO-ARTS !!!!! This blog is an extension of the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) and is going to look at amazing ways to take the regular ol' stuff that you find around your house and re/up-cycle it into something useful... and hopefully nicer-looking.

Take for example those beer bottles that you definitely did not finish last night. Why don't you take them from being a bad one night stand, to a candle stand!
Earth First has a simple tutorial on how to light up the room on a cool winter's day!!
Click here for more info!

With the chill setting in and Christmas around the corner, stay tuned for some ho-ho-holy smokes sustainable ways to stay green this holiday!

All in all our goal here is to help people look at what they have in a different way. One person's trash is another person's chip bowl!

Until later,

Live long and prosper.

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